Sunday, March 28, 2010


BROADCASTERS and washed up politicians Willie Jackson and John Tamihere are rumoured to be Auckland mayor John Bank's "new best friends".

The desperate pair, hungry for more attention, have reportedly teamed up with right wing wonder boy PR slimer Matthew Hooton in a bid for Tamihere to become Bank's deputy overlord of the new Auckland Supercity.

"We thought about having John run for mayor, but then we realised heaps of people think he's a bit of a dick and probably wouldn't vote for him, so we decided he'd be better off just crawling right up Bank's arsehole instead."

When asked to explain his bizarre behaviour Jackson replied,

"Well, they're both called John, they're also both big loud idiots and they're both raging homophobic bigots so it's a partnership made in heaven. Plus John is desperate for the attention of anyone but the sad bastards who ring him up on his talkback show. I shouldn't really be saying this, but he's borderline suicidal and he's started to get a weird facial tic like Michael Laws."

Rabid Fire then enquired as to what the fuck had happened to Jackson's left wing principles, which caused the former Alliance MP to stick his fingers in his ears and start screaming "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" as tears rolled down his cheeks.


Thursday, March 25, 2010


McVicar: Visibly aroused

Sentencing Trust Spokesman Garth McVicar spoke to an audience of baying Rotary Club members in Tauranga this morning about his recent world tour of brutal foreign jails.
An excited McVicar told of being taken through a detention facility in Uzbekistan by local officials.

"Unlike our soft, politically correct justice system, my hosts in Uzbekistan were proud to demonstrate their brand of no-nonsense corrections to me. They led me into a damp underground cell where they proceeded to wire up a tractor battery to the testicles of a local peasant suspected of goat thievery. We should be electrocuting the genitalia of teenagers suspected of tagging," McVicar ranted, mopping sweat from his brow.

"Especially if they're from uncivilised ethnic minorities, because that's the only language they understand," he added.

"In Thailand I was shown around the Bangkok Hilton where I saw an illiterate heroin addict buried up to his neck in his own feces. He definitely won't be offending again in a hurry, unlike in New Zealand where criminals are molly coddled in a criminal justice system run by ivory tower academics. They probably would have tried to teach him to read," spat the lion of middle New Zealand.

"The next stop was Guantanamo Bay, where I saw inspiring things indeed. The crying shame here is that Obama has moved to shut the facility down, which is surely political correctness gone mad, so it was a bitter-sweet occasion, but it inspired me to design a new uniform for New Zealand prisoners that will undoubtedly be shouted down by bleeding heart chardonnay socialists."

Proposed new prison uniform

"From there we flew to the small city of Buttfuck, Alabama where I had the privilege of seeing the ultimate sanction meted out, something that we New Zealanders have not had the courage to do since 1957," McVicar raved, his eyes bulging and flecks of foam appearing in the corners of his mouth.

"I was given the best seat in the house to see a mentally handicapped black man with the mental age of nine strapped into the electric chair. A nine year old or someone with the brain capacity of one should be held accountable for their own actions," shouted McVicar, slamming his fist into the podium and panting heavily.

A visibly aroused McVicar, an alarming bulge growing in the front of his $30 Warehouse trousers, continued,

"This remorseless scumbag had the cheek to call the warden 'daddy' and ask if he'd see angels in heaven. It was right that two burly deputies then took turns to punch him in the stomach before strapping him down in the chair. I was quite relieved when they put a gag on him because quite frankly I was getting sick of him crying."

"Then after some prayers, the warden threw the switch and the bloody mongrel was gone forever after only ten minutes during which his hair caught fire and one of his eyes popped out."

McVicar was then seen to shudder and moan, a dark stain spreading across his crotch.

"Then the local police were kind enough to take me out for a costume party and a barbecue."

A costume party and a barbecue


Wednesday, March 24, 2010


LABOUR Seat Warmer Phil Goff raged luke warmly against National's new Fuck Everybody policy to a largely indifferent audience at a West Auckland community centre this morning.
After being mistaken for a Jehovah's Witness and asked to go away several times, the mysteriously personality free Goff took the podium and outlined Labour's response to the governments tough new measures.

"I'm a bit cross at National's new Fuck Everybody policy," he droned meekly to a largely empty room, "and I want the government to know that myself and the Labour Party are mildly annoyed at this sudden swing to the right."

A lone tumbleweed was then seen to blow across the hall as a solitary cough was heard in the background.

"As the leader who will most definitely not be replaced by someone else before the next election, I want all New Zealanders to know that Labour will do things slightly differently. Not for us welfare reforms, unless we really have to, because there's no alternative, and then New Zealand, let it be known that doing so will hurt us more than it will hurt you, unlike National, who openly enjoy such doings."

"Under a Labour government, New Zealand will see no more GST hikes, because the Labour Party has never had anything to do with GST in any way ever. Cross my heart and hope to die," Goff waffled blandly to deafening silence.

"So vote Labour in 2011 for a slightly different New Zealand."

Goff, leaving to catch the bus, left behind a somewhat puzzled audience.

"Who the fuck was he?" an elderly woman was heard to ask.



Key: Go fuck yourselves New Zealand

Minister John Key unveiled National's controversial new Fuck Everybody policy this morning during his morning press conference at the Beehive. A triumphant Key, flanked by several large men in sunglasses, took the podium and boldly announced the National/ACT government's plans for the next term.

"We've been in power for long enough now that quite frankly we can't be bothered with all that centrist moderate bullshit you voted us in on almost a year and a half ago. I mean, you really are the stupidest bunch of arseholes. What the fuck did you expect when you voted National back into power? Fucking sunshine and lollipops? Get real you cunts."

Key then paused to high five finance minister Bill English and cackle maniacally.

"You didn't even cry that much when this bugger made you pay for his house even, so we've had a look at things, and it's time to roll out new, fresh policy to take New Zealand into the future. It's a one stop shop, one size fits all super package, and I'm sure no New Zealander will feel left out when we say Fuck Everybody."

"This government is carrying out extensive work to mine the shit out of and effectively privatise conservation land, with the profits going right offshore, but that's ok because our backers all own shares, and that's a reality in this global economy. We also plan to enact welfare reforms to get people off the dole and onto the street to give our main centres that edgy urban third world feel. All this and going pro-whaling are big moves, and in order to keep our promise to slash the public service, all these tasks will now come under the umbrella of the Fuck Everybody Ministry."

ACT MP David Garrett, freshly appointed associate Minister of Fuck Everybody, said he looked forward to creating "Fresh opportunities for our mates on the Business Roundtable", who he described as "The greatest New Zealanders since those brave boys at Gallipoli" and added that anyone who disagreed with him should be castrated.

Prime Minister Key then told the press gallery to "fuck off because I have to be back in Honolulu soon", waved cheerily, said he was relaxed about the new policy and left with a breezily casual "Go fuck yourselves New Zealand."